City comp

Added elements from my weekend work to the city. Comp here. Some allready made stuff are still missing- roads, a refined BG, non flickering ocean surface and some changes to the text. Overall I think it's getting a bit cheesy so hopefully I can tone it down just tweaking the colours.


kristoffer said…
looks good. couldnt read "electricity" at the first glance though, you might wanna enlarge/change camera?


ps. jag har hittat en ny anledning att ta mig till london nu! får se när dock...
Yeah but I've found that it only accounts for 2% of Americas production electricity production so I thought that maby I should lay low with that but at the same time I it took some time to do that so I'll thought I'll just keep it as an element?
More to the point, I really want focus on "food" in the last frame.

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