Wrapped up this simulation for a short film. It's a ~100m wide crack coming from sliding landmasses. Maby you'll spot it in a certain novel film one day (from what I've spotted it looks interesting).
The parallel between today's electronic hype and the Italian futuristic movement from about 100 years ago is too obvious to miss. They're both built around the love for the machine, symbols of contemporary urban life, individualistic to the core, denounces all previous culture, pushing for abstraction, driven by a vision of progress and both very middle class inventions. So when a singer perform a hundred year old piece "The Storm", made up by vocal puffs, whalings accompanied with chrashes and clonks my memory bank really get a filing problem of type "Where and when is what". When I was born there was baby computers in the room, we have since grown up together. It's only a sympathetic gesture to embrace them but I was asked to do so. The society needed us to pick up those keyboards and there were people working on making sure we were first to do so. IMF have for decades made coffee makers and soy growers of the rest of the world while we were to take c...
Short basic thoughts about music and video. A direct conversion between sound and video is pointless. Ears deals with kHz, for an eye a signal at that frequency would be blurred out to white or at best case, noise. Paradoxical, in competition, the vision is what brings the exformation (tried to find a better word, the word itself gets a little paradoxical when nobody knows what it means). Only under visual pauses or by viewers resistance can the music play the lead role. This is just one example that put them in two separate spaces. But the matchstick that creates both a sound and light are one and the same thing, and with the sound and the light rejoined in our brains they blend together to the feeling of that object. As our brain is one of the last mysteries- somewhere to send confused young men with flags into- we seem to have encountered a interesting border of our understanding of stuff and I say it's worth exploring. I thought of a small experiment related to this. Make a ni...
Sample movie . Following the introduction of our new art group I'm back to work on the project mentioned in previous posts. Here's a test of an element that is to represent some kind of strong sound or collision. So far I'm still very undecided when it comes to composition. In pursuit of formulating the motions I think I can imagine I find through my tests that there's still blind spots on them and so I'm mearly collecting parts in search for a whole. I suspect I'm outside my comfort zone here as I don't have the same perspective over the creative process as I'm used to.