Concept for car industry bail out. While I did this I came to think of how everything has played out so extremely well from a environmentalist point of view. At least the chronological order of events. The line fascism, war, climate change awareness, credit crisis and peak oil is perfect when argument for the need of systematical change. The false pretext and disastorous outcome of the Iraq war has made war look less like a profitable idea for imperialistic countries. Both MoD/P
entagon, the media (WMD's?) and the liberal elite is still in disgrace but shows hopeful signs of clensing (at least weakening). Meanwhile the environmental awareness has striken so hard that a majority of Europeans is ready to make change to their lifestyle in favor of climate friendly political reform. On the other hand the political efforts for a meaningful climate bill now stand as futile against the response to the credit crunch, clearly drawing our rulers priorities. The same thing should be said about civil society, people allready takes their frustration to the street. A sad truth for us environmentalists; just imagine how far away we were to provoke meaningful change. Though people generally had more hardlined and realistic views then both their intellectual as political leaders we barely managed with getting some shoppers to the organic shelf and
even that is lost in the credit crunch. This said, the recession will breed a culture independent of growth based economy, from union mobilisation to low-cunsuming lifestyle. Possibly making another world seem possible but also less scary.
Now imagine a best case scenario for the governmental spending spree, it creates a few jobs, avoid depression-like figures and people even start to talk about the next growth cycle. And then strikes peak oil. The old system was given an extra chance, hardly standing on it's own legs it takes just a few steps before falling again. In the word of Milton Friedman "
when you have a time of crisis what happens depends on what ideas are floating around" one can at least hope that by then these ideas has been developed in the credit crunch era (now). To tired to proofread, sorry for taking your time. Nightie!