
Showing posts from 2009

Crystalised light

Did some work on the "goodbye" project a bit. Ran intothis "materialised light" element that needed its own little side track. The idea is that colours expand from the sunset and flows over the mountains. Animation was pretty straight forward. Here's two tests for the shader I came up with. Water look . High frequency inner lights . Here's the geo I used . Next is to merge anim and shader into something that blends with the watercolour elements.

goodbye road previz 01

Worked some on my audio/vis experiment on the song "Goodbye" by Ulrich Schnauss. Badly compressed and it barely plays but maby one can decipher what's going on .

Eco plaza 01

I'm doing some 3d stuff for a eco driven project. Here's a WIP.

Tesla's hammer

Great excerpt from Nicholas Tesla biography "Wizard, The life and Times of Nikolas Tesla" by Marc J. Seifer: "...He decided to experiment. With Georff Scherff present, Tesla placed one of his mechanical oscillators where his laboratory was located and adjusted the frequency to the point where the beam begun to hum. "While he was attending to something else for a few moments, it attained such crescendo of rhythm that it started to shake the building, then it began shaking the earth near about [and other buildings with support beams in resonant frequencies]... The Fire Department respond to an alarm frantically turned in; four tons if machinery flew across the basement and the only thing which saved the building from utter collapse was the quick action of Dr. Tesla in seizing a hammer and destroying his machine." "The device could be a Frankenstein's monster," Tesla confided many years later. "If not watched, no substance can withstand the ste...

watercolour horizon test 2

Painted some random colours onto a very wet watercolour sheet and let it smudge itself out for ~12 hours (quite amazing what those last 6h did). Captured the result and slaped it over this night sky. Next up is an animation with the elements together to get an idea of what I need to able to control, in other words, what I need to generate in CG and what can be real elements.

watercolour horizon test

Did some tests with filming watercolour diffusing through paper and water. Here's a test comp with one of the resulting elements from the water test, comped ontop of the horizon picture. The vibration is from me adding more spots in the water and the noise is due to little light exposure. I'll correct this for next test.

horizon picture v001

Photo for BG to the "Goodbye" project. Also tested some colourful CG curves against this, these will be synched to an instrument in the music, the previously mentioned resonance patterns will be another layer. Later this week I'm also planning to shoot some close ups video footage of watercolour spreading through wet paper. My hope is that this will work together with the colourful shapes. After some inspiration from the cool hubble sky map I want to create the effect of something majestic and slow. Micro worlds, in this case watercolour diffussion, offen mimics macro behaviour better then our inbetween scale.

horizon concepts

Sketched on the horizon look that the patterns from previous posts would be placed against. This is ment to be live photage later on but I did these tests to think through colours and such. Hopefully I will take some test photos soonish.


Bumped into this picture at the vvvv homepage. Apperently it's created from "cymatic" patterns, meaning overlapping waves creating resonance. With more complex setups this can the mimic the complex behaviours that we usually only contribute to living things. I think this might be a good startpoint for the aurora-borealis-like effect I might do for a audio visualisation project. The idea would be to fade in/out new waves to the mix for every new tone in the music. Here's a video for a simple setup with three waves with their centerpoint animated. The first still to the left is one of the frames with some random distortion and colours applied to it. The second is when removing one of the waves. As there is nothing in theory that stop these from becoming 3d objects I might get into that at some point.

The brain has two halfs

My intention with this blogg was to force all my brain activity into the same space. Though there's a lot of words behind my pictures the relationship doesn't seem to be going both ways and I therefore move my future rants to my swedish blog where verbal precission is more necessary. What better way to start then with my media debut? Today I was interviewed at `P1 studio` as a some kind of general activist. I'll blogg about what I missed saying later. go to:

Schizophrenia sequel

I started to sense a picture I wanted to realise but realised that I've basicaly done it allready, around 8 years ago. It was done when I was learning 3d and named to the half embarrising "Schizophrenia", but whatta hell, if you don't stick with your past what's the point of moving. Instead I figured that now would be a good time to remake it with updated ideas, tools and skills. So here's the first draft of it together with the original(top). Next step is to add some effectul blend between the two faces. I also need to improve the fleshy feeling at far right as I want the picture to transcend from clean computer geometric abstraction to realistic naturalism. I'll also hope to experiment some with 3d elements to enhance the composition. Regarding the original it's kinda funny to see the classical beginner mistakes in anatomy like enlarged eyes and scaled down upper skull. H ere's a small treat for reading this post.
Concept for car industry bail out. While I did this I came to think of how everything has played out so extremely well from a environmentalist point of view. At least the chronological order of events. The line fascism, war, climate change awareness, credit crisis and peak oil is perfect when argument for the need of systematical change. The false pretext and disastorous outcome of the Iraq war has made war look less like a profitable idea for imperialistic countries. Both MoD/P entagon , the media (WMD's?) and the liberal elite is still in disgrace but shows hopeful signs of clensing (at least weakening). Meanwhile the environmental awareness has striken so hard that a majority of Europeans is ready to make change to their lifestyle in favor of climate friendly political reform. On the other hand the political efforts for a meaningful climate bill now stand as futile against the response to the credit crunch, clearly drawing our rulers priorities. The same thing should be said abo...
Maby inspired by my visit at Tate Britain's Turner rooms yesterday I wanted to get into some landscape painting. I've got some ideas on creating a very closed romantic nature scenario and mix in abstract elements with that, maby a geekier version of some of Bjork's stuff. Hence I picked the "pond" as it hold that feeling of a seperate ecological system, a world on its own.

David Harvey Portrait 1

Another study. As subject I picked proffessor David Harvey who's one of my intellectual heroes and I will probably finish of this thing by wrapping him in a quote of his. His a marxist economist and his book "A Brief History of Neoliberalism" is a golden nugget for future historians. It's rather academic approach will never make him a spokesperson for the globalisation movement but he more then anyone gives me the confidence that the facts truly are on our side.

rockwell study 1

In an effort to diversify my style I used this Norman Rockwell sample as a reference. I'm mostly interested in Rockwell's semi cartoon look and I might go back to reach for those warm colours that makes his characters so loveable. Tip, "Freedom of Speech" is what art should be in my mind.

portraitH 01

Generic portrait. Slowly leaving the stereotypical look that I've grown attached to. Problem being that I don't know where I want to go with them.

Individualism goes again

The parallel between today's electronic hype and the Italian futuristic movement from about 100 years ago is too obvious to miss. They're both built around the love for the machine, symbols of contemporary urban life, individualistic to the core, denounces all previous culture, pushing for abstraction, driven by a vision of progress and both very middle class inventions. So when a singer perform a hundred year old piece "The Storm", made up by vocal puffs, whalings accompanied with chrashes and clonks my memory bank really get a filing problem of type "Where and when is what". When I was born there was baby computers in the room, we have since grown up together. It's only a sympathetic gesture to embrace them but I was asked to do so. The society needed us to pick up those keyboards and there were people working on making sure we were first to do so. IMF have for decades made coffee makers and soy growers of the rest of the world while we were to take c...