
Man's cycling, oilsplash turns bike to car, car picks up speed and going upphill while morphing to a modern car. Oilsplash and car turns to airplane, passanger sleeping, airplane straighten out curve and going allmost flat, audio implicates slowdown, image freezes and zooms out. Hubberts curve, pointer towards the peak and sign screams "You are here". Transition to spinning earth, map unfolds pangea which unfolds to world map. Time counter shows 1850(?) when oil burst out somewhere and that region turns green, bottom screen shows graphically "red = importer , green = exporter" time goes on and oil pops up around the world and those regions all turn green, countries start to turn red and at 2007 the map is allmost half red half green, time stops and the geographical regions are scaled after their fuel export, Middle East is a big blob, then regions are scaled after fuel consuming and we see three eyes popping up at the three regions that are superior in size/fuel consuming - US, Europe and India/China. Boat leaves US and some smaller ones follows it from Europe, boat caravan heads around Africa and into Middle East. Transition to a hand that reach out money, answered by second hand who reach out finger, first hand reach out gun, second hand reach out oil barrel, barrel leans over and goes into machine, machine outputs gadgets and hamburgers, stuff goes out on line and into shopping cart, shopping cart is pushed by man, zoom out displays man and cart in modern city, camera moves goes up and back to airplane, plane is starting to go down, through the square windows we see people goes around screeming, two people shoots on each other and one guy stands up in the middle and gets killed. Further back people are jumping of with big sticks with windpower looking objects, zoom out, the planes curve is a steep downhill and into a crash while the jump off guys goes upwards and the guy who jumped first is furthest up and closest a godray shimmer that blends the scene.

Now is the time for critisism.


kristoffer said…
här kommer lite kortfattad kritik.

första halvan är färdig. får lite prolbem här:

"Transition to a hand that reach out money, answered by second hand who reach out finger, first hand reach out gun, second hand reach out oil barrel, barrel leans over and goes into machine"

ok, kanske mest om politik. men att visa fingret känns lite som en väl enkel version av händelseförloppet. skulle nog säga att det finns folk i mellanöstern som är väldigt villiga att handla med väst. problemet är väl snarare var pengarna hamnar. känns lite som en (och definitivt första) svag punkt i argumentationen

".. through the square windows we see people goes around screeming, two people shoots on each other and one guy stands up in the middle and gets killed."

är det en kapning av planet? lite oklart.

"Further back people are jumping of with big sticks with windpower looking objects, zoom out, the planes curve is a steep downhill and into a crash while the jump off guys goes upwards and the guy who jumped first is furthest up and closest a godray shimmer that blends the scene."

så sensmoralen är sluta flyg (= göra av med energi osv) så fårt som möjligt och vinn. fint så. men det smolkas lite av den där kapningen. bättre skippa den tycker jag. kan förstå att du kanske vill förklara "terrorism" så, men nu blandas det ihop och man får känslan, "den som först ger efter för terroristerna kommer till himlen". alltså två problem, 1) inblandning av religion (skall inte behövas! vill ha rationella argument!!). 2) religion och kapning av plan kanske är lite dumt att rättfärdiga i såna här tider.

luftsnurran tycker jag inte heller är genialisk (vindkraft != lösning).

så i korta ordalag gillar jag nog inte slutet. kanske bättre nåt i stil med att planet istället för att krascha studsar på en madrass av solceller, jag vet inte. på nått sätt en konstruktiv/kollektiv lösning. antingen vinner hela mäsnkligheten eller ingen. finns ingen hjälteposition så att säga.

annars en bra ide att göra filmen! ser fram emot att se mer skisser också. kritik på skisserna kan vara att de går alldeles för fort. antar att du inte kommer göra animationen så snabb, men skisserna kan också gå i 1/4 av fps eller så, så man hänger med.

som sagt, första halvan är toppen, den där kurvan är en grym idé, mer sånt! dvs. keep up the good work... :)

ps. jag vet inte, kanske ett sätt att blanda in mer "fakta" och kurvor och grejer kan vara att kolla nya trender (corporate resp., eko-handel osv) och se om nån sån kurva kan battla med den som flygplanet följer. det beror ju på om man tror på såna trender eller ej iofs.. om inte annat kan du nog få spons. av nåt sånt företag - reklamfilm!

Anonymous said…
hej b

jag tankte bara helt okritiskt dunka dig i ryggen och saga att det later som en utmarkt story. jag vill se.

kramar fran Bern (dit jag tagit mig med tag, ryggenfriryggenfri!)
Kjell said…
I liked the script, especially the first part of it. The ending seemed a bit odd though, the part with the guys shooting at each other on the airplane made me think of terrorism and terroattacks which isn't really what this is about, is it? That end would for me symbolise that we shouldn't rob oil from the middle east because they are gonna hijack and crash our airplanes. This might be a valued point of view, but in concern to what the first part of the scribt is about it seems more to the issue that we shouldn't consume so much oil because we are going to mess up our environment and climate.
I'm also a bit quirious what those flying windpowered gadgets that the people who jump off uses are going to look like. And will it really make the message clear that we need to start thinking now about what energy we're using, or will it just symbolise some kind of distant dream when we can jump off this disastrous bandwagon and fly to the sun with alternative energy.
A smaller thing that I thought about, but I'm sure you can fix somehow, is that in the beginning it might be a bit confusing from going from the image with an airplane that says you are here, straight to image of the world with the date being shown as 1850.
Otherwise, good luck with it all!
The generall problem seems to be the ending.
The main idea is to go back to where we left the plane to round off with the
question in how we can react to peak oil. While some will (and are) going to grab guns some people will save themselfs by developing renewables. The question is not, as in climate change, to save everyone or noone but that anyone can take care of his own energy supply. In todays border blended economies everyone will ofcourse be affected by a global recession, but I'm
talking about keeping a society's vital organs intact and then we deal with
another set of rules.
"Money-Finger-Gun".-> Well, I can meat you half way here. While no major oil exporter has been able to ignore the
American market, not a single one of these has been spared american intervention in their domestic affairs. The fact is that even though a majority of the oil exporters are doing bussiness with US they actually have no choice. My visuall paralell also is a hint towards the Iraq situation which is still fresh in people's memory and which I want to tie in a more historical context.
But, you have a point in that a most countries never meats the gun so
I think this small change will adress that. Instead of "Money-Finger-Gun" I go

Wind is not a full subtsitute for oil, problem is that there is no such thing
from an (contemporary) economical point of view. In a long term perspective sunpower is the only one that has the capacity to fill the gap but as things are at the minute wind power is what's has the best promises of growth. Plus, sunpower is harder to visualise;)

Thanks again for this and I'll come back next week with update, then I'll make a preview animation to test it all.

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