The current state of the intro shot. I will make the background appear with the same technique I draw out the curves with. I've decided that that this flowing look will hold the overall feeling of the animation. I like that these ribbons have an absolute form but in groups they create a loosely defined shape. This together create a sense of abstraction. I use the sense of recognition within the work to give a sense of alternative reality, that there are physical laws in this world but not the same as in ours.
Travel and a friggin good concert by Dave Matthews got in the way for any progress the latest time. Also got back to work were I'll do some "white wizard" shots for the Potter film. Weird to do exactly the same thing as in Stardust- transforming people to fog and back. I felt a lot more free when I approach it this time which feels good but it got me thinking that maby the effect lies very well with the time/technology right now and that we will see a number of them the coming time.
Back to operation "reclaim the hangover".