Practiced myself in visualising a single beat. Check animation here. It's all generated by a 1 or 0 from a MIDI code, so if the music was going for 476 minutes it wouldn't be hard to do. I felt that I would like to get my thoughts started on how to visualize the different elements in music and this was an obvious starting point. If you have any interesting tips in any related matter I'm allways very interested in learning more. And yes I am beyond tired right now.
Individualism goes again
The parallel between today's electronic hype and the Italian futuristic movement from about 100 years ago is too obvious to miss. They're both built around the love for the machine, symbols of contemporary urban life, individualistic to the core, denounces all previous culture, pushing for abstraction, driven by a vision of progress and both very middle class inventions. So when a singer perform a hundred year old piece "The Storm", made up by vocal puffs, whalings accompanied with chrashes and clonks my memory bank really get a filing problem of type "Where and when is what". When I was born there was baby computers in the room, we have since grown up together. It's only a sympathetic gesture to embrace them but I was asked to do so. The society needed us to pick up those keyboards and there were people working on making sure we were first to do so. IMF have for decades made coffee makers and soy growers of the rest of the world while we were to take c...