This will most likely be the fringe of the growing black field element. The pictures portray roughly the same shape but one is made out of dots and the other with noisy lines.
Thinking of scraping the growth aproach from last post and simply construct an interesting crystalshape and then make it appear in an organic fashion rather then the otherway around as it might prove to not be worth the effort. Here's a render of a volume constructed from a serious of boxes scattered on a sphere. Edit-second version adding pyramids instead of boxes.
Been working on a growth algorithm foe the crystals. It may be the summer heat or this is a freekin frustrating task, everythin affects everything. The picture shows how at least some of the shapes has grown without colliding with it's neighbours.
More intricate method to build up tree structured segments. One of the pictures shows how I build a line modell and then swaps out every line segment to an L-system. The Lsystem sproach was needed to certify connectivity (no hovering pieces). I hope to find a way to make holes in the branches, a nice detail to brake up the stright feel they currently have.
Back from vacation, now doing this fulltime. Got some sketches and ideas in my backpack that's need to be implemented. Here's a first step of creating a crystal structure for the growth part.