Great excerpt from Nicholas Tesla biography "Wizard, The life and Times of Nikolas Tesla" by Marc J. Seifer: "...He decided to experiment. With Georff Scherff present, Tesla placed one of his mechanical oscillators where his laboratory was located and adjusted the frequency to the point where the beam begun to hum. "While he was attending to something else for a few moments, it attained such crescendo of rhythm that it started to shake the building, then it began shaking the earth near about [and other buildings with support beams in resonant frequencies]... The Fire Department respond to an alarm frantically turned in; four tons if machinery flew across the basement and the only thing which saved the building from utter collapse was the quick action of Dr. Tesla in seizing a hammer and destroying his machine." "The device could be a Frankenstein's monster," Tesla confided many years later. "If not watched, no substance can withstand the ste...