
Showing posts from May, 2008

Hennon's attractor

Fiddled around with "Hennon's attractor". See clip. The square is hand animated, the other shapes comes from recursive transformation of the square, for every transformation I've made their colour darker. The shapes all meet at a certain point, hence the name. (I used a=.5 b=-.9)

FINAL!!!!!(version 1)

OK, if I would amputate both my arm tomorrow and loose all my 3d skilz I would feel pretty fine with it as "What goes up" is now in a state of release. See the whole thing here. Maby I will fix some things but to be honest that will only be for my eyes. Tonight we live like it was pre peak oil! Beers on me!

Plane chrash update

Update with coal shoveler and some small comp edits. Rest of the 3d shit this week then some 2d polishing next week It's a bit stressfull with my proffesional project sharing deadline but last week I made a calander mistake and thought I only had one week left when I actually had two, so I worked both Saturday and Sunday and now I'm in pretty good shape for finishing up for real.