
Showing posts from August, 2007

Competition is good!

Beppe Grillo's red horizon Fuel of War! I've encountered these two links within two days time and got inspired to give put down my projects background view. Every scenario I imagine that will bring meaningful change is broken in the link of informing the masses. Every major player in mass media is a branch that grows from the same root as the problems that worries people today. As 90% of the newspapers is paid by addvertisers, news becomes framing for adverts. Media is then given the right to censor in the name of profit. Not just it's own profit but it's clients profits- every profit. Media becomes the glass wall between us and from what I guess, it's now acting as a pretty big dam . Climate change is all ready the new Holocaust . Not in body counts but it's the extreme you use to prove your point. But that's because it's simply stupid. Climate change was always stupid, already in the early 90's the scientific elite said what it's saying now....


Worked on the bike>car transition. Composition test. I'm getting doubtful about the purpose of the oilsplashes between the two transitions. I'm probably just going to use the thin ones for the cool effect they gives. BUT! As my chair neighbour just passed by and after a quick chat I think it may be better to screw them completely and let the car rip up streaks as it it goes. They are very timeconsuming to create but it's my own fault for bad previz so let's backup. Also, the head is going to be synced to the music.

Splashes and so on

I'm loosing my head for some reason. Gah! It's pain behind this post baby, maby that's what's made the difference in the end? Here we go anyway. Oil element splash for transition. and second a new test of elements together .

cute boy

A part of me is analouge. That part comes out everytime I work with water simulations. Scanning doesn't do it justice but there it is anyway. Couldn't find the original image I used.

Oil elements

Oil towers in the beginning is final. then it's just a test of some generic splashes that will eventually form a more constant flow once the simulations gone through. Watch me. I'll drop in more stuff as soon as the window is open to parasite on the company's renderfarm. Which means sunday morning or something.


Accidently overwrote last days test of the biking guy with the final version (ahhh, smell that word- almost worth the saturday night), pick it up here .

Bike rig

Did the main setup for the biking dude. Animation example here, sorry about the weak lines. Everything is automaticly controled from his forward movement, so no hand animation in there (I said before I planed to not do animation as that's my week point). Still some dodgy things to tweak and then I will put some more flow and weight in his motion but I'm fairly happy with the style of the animation and I think it's just a matter of a few hours more until I call it final.