Competition is good!
Beppe Grillo's red horizon Fuel of War! I've encountered these two links within two days time and got inspired to give put down my projects background view. Every scenario I imagine that will bring meaningful change is broken in the link of informing the masses. Every major player in mass media is a branch that grows from the same root as the problems that worries people today. As 90% of the newspapers is paid by addvertisers, news becomes framing for adverts. Media is then given the right to censor in the name of profit. Not just it's own profit but it's clients profits- every profit. Media becomes the glass wall between us and from what I guess, it's now acting as a pretty big dam . Climate change is all ready the new Holocaust . Not in body counts but it's the extreme you use to prove your point. But that's because it's simply stupid. Climate change was always stupid, already in the early 90's the scientific elite said what it's saying now....