
Showing posts from July, 2007

motion blured brush

It wasn't a problem , first one without, second with and third with half the shutter time (.1) question is how I want it to be used and calculated. The first one actually has some nice motion due to it defined shape but as I'm going to mix this together with motion blurred objects (the oil fluid will for example not look good without motion blur (water dots- not streaks- feels wrong) so I will proably go with one of the later, maby less apparent though.

Evolving curve

Just using the stuff that's allready in the 3dBrush: test clip. It might be a problem with getting motion blur in there but we'll see.

on to the assembly line

Big step today, started to fill up the 3d scene. Composition test of 2d elements . Without any 2d brush elements. I'm now very much in the production phase, a nice place where visible results are more frequent. My idea is to finish the intro while I search for the data I need for the next part, if I still haven't got it I do the ending before, if I STILL can't find it I'll change/cut the story.

Killing the night to save the day

In the frustration from the absence of a single creative thought on my day job I put some extra energy to my night job. I'm close to sleep on the keyboard tonight. Still from test composition of the hubberts curve segment.
Starting to work on the splashing oil for a while ago and I decided to use that in a style test, check me . Needs to test collision for it. On side note, I hate my job but loves the proffesion. There.

curve element test

Fast check to see the curve ontop of the oil elements. It seemed to work so I will place the elements as flat planes in 3d and then tie them together with these curve elements.

Element collage

Been working on elements to fill out the background with- empty spaces kills the viewers interest. I'm thinking of using an animated 3d brush to tie these together as the animation goes on.

Look development

Developed the look of the vehicles. Bike, Car and Plane. Hopefully I'll get some animation into the filters that been applied in the process.