Colour and quality
The computer graphics community has gone through periods of artistic revolution when it comes to both motion and form. It is widely known that if you want to be able to model on a screen you should first go through a lot of time with pen or clay. For the animators the 2d cartoons with Disney's "wise men" in the front has worked as an authority. While this kind of influence has imensly sped up the evolution for the pioneering practicians there is still genres in the cg proffesion who doesn't have any clear paths to follow and therefor still handles the new tools rather clumsy. An example of this is my own area, visual effects. In my short experience, the people in it clearly percepts it as a form of art or craftsmanship and not science. This is very important as the opposite would be a hopeless ground for art to grow. However, we may be the first group of people that looks for beuty in explosions, plasma or other phenomenons and we have no maps over this new terrain. ...